External GP Relay Card
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When testing a panel or array of units under test with the same fixture, you usually use resources from the Access Card (if your equipment has it). Avoid filling up the access resources and do the switching externally. Become modular between your 3070 systems.
Part Number: iBtest 0001B
6 relays with 12 inputs and 12 outputs, 12v or 5v with 1A.
Part Number: iBtest 0007B
20 relays (one extra relay to connect grounds) with 40 inputs and 40 outputs, 12 v or 5v with 1A.
Part number: iBtest 00010
12 relays latch with 24 inputs and 24 outputs,5v with 2A, Vias No masked
Part number: iBtest 00011
6 relays latch or regular, with 12 inputs and 12 outputs,12v or 5v, 1A or 2A
*Ask for our GP Relay Cards unit prices or special package prices.
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